Seven Warning Signs of Clogged Arteries

Seven Warning Signs of Clogged Arteries5 Signs You Have Clogged Arteries
Seven Warning Signs of Clogged Arteries

7 Warning Signs of Clogged Arteries

( – Most of us don’t give a lot of thought to our arteries when we’re younger. The reality, though, is our arteries are responsible for supplying the entire body with oxygenated blood — and that’s a huge job.

Arteries that are clogged prevent proper blood circulation and can lead to some really serious health issues, like coronary artery disease (when your arteries harden), heart attacks and strokes.

Most people don’t even realize they have an issue until something really serious, like a heart attack or a stroke, happens to them. While many of us may never have any clear symptoms that we have clogged arteries, our bodies can be sending warning signals we shouldn’t ignore.

The problem? Those signals very often look like the symptoms of other ailments and diseases, so we’re likely to brush them off as unimportant. Not a good idea.

Some of the most commonly reported signs you may have clogged arteries include:

  • Fatigue and dizziness happen to all of us from time to time, but you should see your doctor if you’re experiencing them without illness or for no other apparent reason. Both are usually a sign of a lack of oxygen flowing properly through the body.
  • Lower back pain is commonly associated with strain and disc issues, but a lack of healthy, oxygenated blood to your lower back can cause weakening and bulging or slipped discs. Ouch!
  • Angina, or chest pain, can be felt as a sharp pain, burn, pressure, or sometimes even numbness across your chest area. This happens when your heart isn’t getting enough oxygen.
  • Achy calves, with no history of injury or strain, are a sign that the blood flow to your legs may be compromised. Your doctor will want to check your legs via ultrasound to make sure you don’t have blockages or blood clots.
  • Tired legs and feet are a sign of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Left untreated, PAD can lead to mobility issues and, in severe cases, enough damage to the tissues in your legs to warrant amputation.
  • Pain or tingling in the extremities occurs when properly oxygenated blood flow isn’t reaching your arms and legs. Your hands and feet may feel painful, cold, or numb without any real reason, like sleeping funny or exposure to cold temperatures.
  • Jaw pain happens with clogged arteries because the nerves connecting to your heart, especially the vagus nerve, run through your neck, jaw, head — even your left arm.

These symptoms can be associated with many causes and conditions other than clogged arteries. For instance – People who work very physical jobs are more likely than not to brush off lower back pain, opting to pop a pain reliever instead.

People who are familiar with anxiety may just brush chest pain off as a regular symptom they’re familiar with. You might think your achy calves are from your last good workout, or that your jaw pain is related to TMJ or even tied to a sinus issue.

But what if you’re wrong?

Clogged arteries are like ticking time bombs, simply waiting to go off inside your body. The thicker and more blocked your arteries become, the harder it is for your heart to pump oxygenated blood to the rest of your body.

So while these seven symptoms may not mean you have clogged arteries, they’re definitely worth mentioning to your doctor — especially if they’ve come on suddenly and seem persistent.

Contact your physician and get yourself checked out. Better safe than sorry!

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