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What we learn, what we choose to put in or on our bodies, affects the way we feel and the way we age. Wellness Pursuits is a compendium of useful articles that can guide you to both in-depth resources on a particular topic, or even where you can find wellness related products to buy. That’s a big part of our mission. Wellness Pursuits is here to help guide you in your quest to Find The Best.

7 Healthiest Candy Bars for Chocolate Lovers

Chocolate Lovers Choose – 5 Most Marvelous Bars

Chocolate Lovers Choose - 5 Most Marvelous Bars ( - Dark chocolate has many proven health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, higher...
Bedbugs! Ewww! How to Spot Them and Stop Them

Bedbugs! Ewww! How to Spot Them and Stop Them

( - “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite,” is a cute childhood nursery rhyme that makes kids giggle. But it’s not a...
6 Reasons to Eat Pineapple

6 Reasons to Eat Pineapple

6 Awesome Reasons to Eat Pineapple ( - Pineapple is a great-tasting fruit, but there’s more to this sweet treat than its flavor. Eating pineapple...

Medications That Can Increase Suicide Risk

: THESE Medications Can Increase Suicide Risk ( - Everyone feels down now and then. When the funk persists, however, depression can lead to suicidal...
7 Body Language Clues Say What They're REALLY Thinking

7 Body Language Clues Say What They’re REALLY Thinking

( - Have you ever spent time in conversation with someone, thinking they’re interested and listening intently? They may not be, despite the fact...
These 7 Super Herbs Turn Your Meals Into Super Food

These 7 Super Herbs Turn Your Meals Into Super Food

( - Over the last couple of decades or so, there's been a lot of talk about "superfoods" and their ability to do miraculous...

5 Compelling Reasons Take Extra Collagen

( - If you’ve been keeping up with the latest health trends, then you may have heard about people taking collagen supplements to look...
These Habits Can Put Your Immune System In Jeopardy

These Habits Can Put Your Immune System In Jeopardy

These 4 Habits Can Jeopardize Your Immune System ( - If ever there was a time to pay more attention to the good or harm...
10 Warning Signs: It’s Too Soon to Tie the Knot

10 Warning Signs: It’s Too Soon to Tie the Knot

( - It’s easy to get lost in the excitement of wedding planning. But before you get too invested in wedding cake tastings and...
The Wild Caught Salmon Rip-Off

The Wild Caught Salmon Rip-Off

( - It turns out, about 40% of the salmon advertised as wild-caught is actually fraudulently labeled factory farm-raised fish. How can you tell...

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