Feel Your Best

How we feel physically, mentally and emotionally affects the way we age. With so much information (much of it conflicting) available on the Web, we all need a resource to carve out the best advise for us to consider. Wellness Pursuits is just that. We are on a daily quest to bring you, our dear readers, the most useful, solid information we can find. We hope that our insights will raise your awareness so you can make better choices and help guide you to Feel Your Best.

The Anti-Aging Power of Vitamin D

Why You Need More Vitamin D

Why You Need More Vitamin D (WellnessPursuits.com) - Vitamin D can play an important role in keeping you youthful by boosting the immune system, reducing...

Say These 5 Things Instead of “Sorry”

Say These 5 Things Instead of "Sorry" (WellnessPursuits.com) - Many of us utter, “I’m sorry,” when someone bumps into us, then use the same phrase...
Lower Breast Cancer Risk By Doing This...

Lower Breast Cancer Risk By Doing This…

- Lower Breast Cancer Risk By Doing This (WellnessPursuits.com) - What if the foods you ate decades ago had an effect on your cancer...
How to Regain a Sense of Happiness After Difficult Times

How to Regain a Sense of Happiness After Difficult Times

How to Regain Happiness After Difficult Times (WellnessPursuits.com) - Happiness is precious. We all live a somewhat tumultuous life where both good and bad things...
3 Shower Habits That Cause Adult Acne

These 3 Shower Habits Can Cause Skin Breakouts

These 3 Shower Habits Can Cause Skin Breakouts (WellnessPursuits.com) - Gone are the days in which acne is a problem suffered only by teenagers. Adults everywhere...

7 Habits of Unhappy People

7 Habits of Unhappy People (WellnessPursuits.com) - It’s time for a truth bomb. Even the happiest people we know have had some pretty awful things...
Why Drink Warm Lemon Water?---12 Surprising Benefits

Why Drink Warm Lemon Water? — 12 Surprising Benefits

Why Drink Warm Lemon Water?-- 12 Surprising Benefits (WellnessPursuits.com) - These are difficult times for our world. It's pretty clear that it's more and more...

You Need a Nap — Here’s Why

You Need a Nap --- Here's Why (WellnessPursuits.com) - Napping is a habit most of us left behind in kindergarten, but if word got out...
The Wild Caught Salmon Rip-Off

The Wild Caught Salmon Rip-Off

(WellnessPursuits.com) - It turns out, about 40% of the salmon advertised as wild-caught is actually fraudulently labeled factory farm-raised fish. How can you tell...
5 Signs You Have a Reincarnated Soul

5 Clues You Have An Old Soul

5 Clues You Have An Old Soul (WellnessPursuits.com) - Do you ever feel as if maybe you’ve lived years before in a past life? Even...

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