The Wild Caught Salmon Rip-Off

The Wild Caught Salmon Rip-Off
The Wild Caught Salmon Rip-Off

( – It turns out, about 40% of the salmon advertised as wild-caught is actually fraudulently labeled factory farm-raised fish. How can you tell the difference? Read on…

Most of us are resigned to pay more for a better product. When we buy ‘organic’ we expect it to be organic. When we buy fish that is advertised as ‘wild caught’ it darn well better be what we pay for.

We’ve all heard the stories of factory farm raised Salmon and it still conjures up visions of crowded pens of tortured fish being fed growth hormones and antibiotics to keep them just healthy enough to make it to market. The demand for wild caught salmon has increased and so has the prevalence of labeling fraud.

The following excerpt from a spokesperson at Oceana who did a study which included running DNA samples on purchased Salmon samples…

This type of seafood fraud can have serious ecological and economic consequences. Not only are consumers getting ripped off, but responsible U.S. fishermen are being cheated when fraudulent products lower the price for their hard-won catch.

To tell the difference, here are some tips:

  1. Off Season: Salmon purchased from October through April when it’s off season for fresh, wild caught Alaskan Salmon is most likely farmed. The wild caught Alaskan Salmon season is generally May through September.
  2. Color: Wild caught salmon is actually many different colors, often deeper oranges and red, not the typical consistent pink dye used to color factory farm fillets.
  3. Fillet size: The size of wild caught salmon and their fillets varies wildly; however, factory farmed salmon fillets are carefully weighed and will be generally uniform in size.
  4. Price: The cost of true wild caught salmon should usually be over $20 per pound. It’s actually not a bargain if it’s under $20 a lb. It’s probably a farmed fish being sold as something it is not.

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