11 Foods That Are Natural Diuretics
(WellnessPursuits.com) – Doctors prescribe diuretics for those suffering from health conditions that cause excess water weight, such as kidney problems, high blood pressure and heart conditions. But prescription diuretics can cause a host of side effects, ranging from cramps to headaches.
Whether you’re looking for a natural alternative or want something that will help reduce water retention even further, there are a number of options. Here are 11 natural diuretics to keep in mind.
1. Watermelon
Watermelon has a long reputation for its diuretic benefits — and for good reason. A 2014 study performed on mice found that the fruit may be as effective as the diuretic furosemide. The fruit can also help lower blood pressure.
2. Cucumbers
Cucumbers contain sulfur and silicon, both of which stimulate urine production. With their high potassium and water content, cucumbers also reduce inflammation and swelling. It’s also possible to use them topically to reduce under-eye swelling.
3. Green and Black Tea
A cup of green or black tea might help reduce your swelling. A study found that green tea, when used in combination with the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide, worked as an effective diuretic. In another study, black tea was found to be an effective natural diuretic due to its caffeine content.
4. Dandelion
Dandelion is more than just a weed. Thanks to its high potassium content, it’s known to help the kidneys flush out excess water and sodium.
5. Celery
Phthalide, a phytonutrient found in celery, is known to act as a diuretic. Celery seeds, especially, are known to contribute to this effect. Celery has also been found to reduce hypertension and provide cardiovascular benefits.
6. Cranberries
Though they are most well-known as a potential preventative measure for urinary tract infections, cranberries also work as a diuretic. They’re known to remove excess fluids without reducing your potassium.
7. Garlic
Garlic has a long history as a diuretic. Research on animals found that at the highest dose studied (20 mg/kg), there was a significant increase in urine volume. While more research is needed to determine the safety of long-term exposure, it can’t hurt to use more garlic in your cooking to reap its benefits.
8. Parsley
Parsley is known for its diuretic benefits. One study found that rats that drank parsley seed extract produced much more urine than water-drinking rats. The effect was still seen when rats were given the diuretics furosemide or amiloride, which suggests that it might be ideal to consume parsley even if you’re already using diuretics.
9. Asparagus
Asparagus contains high levels of asparagine, an amino acid that acts as a diuretic. Eating more asparagus might help flush excess fluids and salt, which in turn can also help lower your risk of UTIs.
10. Beets
Love them or hate them, adding more beets to your diet could help reduce water retention. Beets are a diuretic thanks to their high potassium content. They also offer anti-inflammatory benefits due to their betanin.
11. Lemon Water
Thanks to its potassium content, lemon water helps promote urination. Lemon also contains flavonoids, which help reduce inflammation. And there are plenty of other reasons to drink it — try it warm!
These are just 11 natural diuretics that might help reduce water retention. Never discontinue a prescription diuretic without speaking to your healthcare provider first. If you’ve recently begun to notice extra water weight, be sure to talk to your doctor. Swelling, bloating and edema can all potentially be signs of serious health conditions.
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