If You Have These Health Issues – Avoid These 7 Vegetables

These 7 Vegetables Are Harmful If You Have These Health Issues
These 7 Vegetables Are Harmful If You Have These Health Issues

If You Have THESE Health Issues – Avoid These 7 Vegetables

(WellnessPursuits.com) – Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying vegetables are bad for you. They’re usually good, for most people. Unfortunately, being diagnosed with certain health conditions means avoiding some of our favorites. The following are seven veggies you need to be wary of.

Each of the vegetables on this list are pretty popular. Here’s what you need to know about each before you make your final choices:

  1. Tomatoes: These are particularly bad for anyone struggling with acid reflux, a condition that triggers stomach acid to rise back up through your esophagus or throat. Tomatoes are very high in acid, which can make the problem worse. You may need to avoid them if you struggle with acid reflux (or GERD).
  2. Spinach: Spinach contains a compound known as calcium oxalate. Unfortunately, calcium oxalate can contribute to the formation of oxalate kidney stones. If you struggle with this common type of stone, you may want to avoid not only spinach, but rhubarb and beets as well.
  3. Asparagus: This vegetable contains purines, a compound that causes the body to create uric acid. People with gout are known to have high levels of uric acid in the body, leading to the formation of crystals in the joints. This leads to swelling, intense pain and mobility issues. Avoid asparagus (and spinach) if you struggle with gout.
  4. Artichokes: Believe it or not, artichokes can be dangerous for people who have been diagnosed with ragweed allergies. Call a doctor immediately if you begin to experience the signs of an allergic reaction. These can include facial swelling, itching, skin hives or rashes, trouble swallowing and difficulty breathing. Artichokes should also be avoided if you have gallstone problems, as they can increase the production of bile.
  5. Cabbage: The amino acids in cabbage cause a buildup of hydrogen sulfide in the colon. In other words, eating cabbage can give you gas and make you feel bloated. This isn’t usually a big deal, but can be especially painful and damaging to people who have gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease or colitis. Anyone with inflammatory bowel disorders should avoid cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts.
  6. Eggplant: This veggie has a spongy texture that absorbs fats, making it a nightmare for anyone who needs to stick to a low-fat or heart-healthy diet. Deep frying a serving of eggplant can leave you with a vegetable dish that has four times as much fat as a serving of French fries! The good news is that you can keep this veggie healthy by baking, broiling or stewing it instead. You can even sauté it with very small amounts of oil.
  7. Turnips: It’s important to avoid turnips if you have thyroid issues. This vegetable contains compounds known as gluconasturtin and progoitrin, both of which can reduce the effectiveness of the hormones your thyroid produces naturally. Turnips are considered “goitrogenic,” meaning they can cause hormone disruption and trigger extra tissue growth – leading to the formation of a visible goiter. Other goitrogenic foods to avoid include cauliflower, mustard, cabbage, radish, bamboo, and cassava.

Some of your healthiest food choices may be risky if you have certain health conditions. Don’t feel as though you have to avoid them altogether, though. Some can be enjoyed in moderation. Make sure you’re talking to your doctor and nutritionist about your food choices so that you can maintain a well-balanced diet without triggering an underlying medical condition.

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