How A Man Shows A Woman She’s Truly Loved

How A Man Shows A Woman She's Truly Loved
How A Man Shows A Woman She's Truly Loved

How A Man Shows A Woman She’s Truly Loved

( – I’m married to a loving, caring, remarkable man. I was blessed to discover this relationship quite a bit past middle age, and I treasure that we found each other.

We’re in awe at times that although we both experienced other marriages before, neither of us had felt truly loved until now. We wondered why? What’s different now? Interesting topic.

I’m a woman, so naturally I focused on the female side when I went to the Web looking for articles that would describe what makes a person feel loved in a relationship. I found several references and most concurred with my experiences of why I feel really loved.

Although I saw many similarities to my own impressions, I wondered if my past life’s experiences have made me more mellow and accepting; if my older years have made me less critical, or if the things my husband does for me are pretty much universal signs of love to any woman of any age.

Here’s my list — Please comment and add your own experiences:

    1. Listens with a focus – When a woman wants to speak to her man, she feels heard if he stops what he’s doing, becomes still and truly listens.
    2. Does thoughful things – When a man notices his woman is tired or cranky, he does something just for her… a backrub, or makes dinner or a offers a listening ear.
    3. Hangs in there during an argument – This is a biggie. It’s ok to table arguments until both have cooled off, but it makes a woman feel loved if the man makes it clear that he wants to bring the topic to a mutual resolution, whether now or later.
    4. Makes time and makes plans to spend time with just her – This goes both ways of course, but when a man comes up with an idea that involves a special day or even a few hours with just her, it makes her feel cherished.
    5. Surprises her with something that he knows makes her smile – When a man truly listens to his woman, he learns what little things he can do that makes her feel loved.
    6. Willing to be open and honest – It can be hard for men to show their vulnerabilities, but when they do, it melts a woman’s heart.
    7. Makes small gestures of affection – A light kiss, holding hands, an acknowledging touch on her arm, all show that your man is aware of you and wants to create a connection.

That’s my list. Here’s to love, here’s to feeling it and here’s to showing it! Blessings to you.

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