Help! Why Am I Always SO Hot?

Help! Why Am I Always SO Hot?

Help! Why Am I Always SO Hot?

( – Does it seem like you’re always sweating — even when you’re not actually doing anything? Does it sometimes feel like your whole body is on fire?

The good news is that you’re not alone. The bad news? A medical condition or another health factor might be to blame. Here are some of the potential causes of feeling hot and sweaty and what you might be able to do about them.

1. Your Medication Causes This Side Effect

Certain medications can cause hot flashes and excessive sweating. Some of these include certain antidepressants (especially Wellbutrin), migraine medications, diabetes medications, pain relievers, heartburn and acid reflux medications, Viagra and asthma inhalers.

If you think your medication is to blame for your constant hotness, talk to your doctor about other options. A different medication or dosage might help.

2. You Might Have a Thyroid Problem

An overactive thyroid, otherwise known as hyperthyroidism, affects millions of people. It’s much more common in women, many of whom don’t even know they have it. Hyperthyroidism causes an increase in body temperature because it speeds up your metabolism. It also causes the sweat glands to overwork.

Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism may include unexplained weight loss, a racing heart, hand tremors, constant hunger and excessive thirst. If you suspect that your thyroid may be overactive, talk to your doctor about getting tested.

3. You May Not Be Drinking Enough Water

Normally when we’re hot, our bodies produce sweat to regulate our body temperatures. But when we’re dehydrated, our bodies are unable to produce sweat due to lack of water reserves — leading us to overheat. If you’ve been feeling hotter than usual lately, try drinking more water.

4. You’ve Been Experiencing Stress or Anxiety

Stress and anxiety may cause you to feel hotter than usual. Our sympathetic nervous systems control how much we sweat and how we physically respond to stress. When we’re experiencing a lot of stress or anxiety, we can be faced with a racing heart, rapid breathing, clammy hands and — you guessed it — sweating or increased body temperature. Self-coping methods, therapy or medications may help.

5. Your Diet Includes Heat-Inducing Foods

It’s possible that the foods and beverages you consume might be contributing to your overheatedness. Spicy foods can be a big culprit, especially if they include hot peppers, which contain the chemical capsaicin, which can cause a temperature spike and sweating. Caffeine and alcohol may also raise your body temp. Cutting back on these foods and substances might help.

6. You’re a Woman Who’s Experiencing Hormonal Changes

There are a number of types of hormonal changes women undergo that might make them feel hotter than usual. These include:

  • PMS – The decrease in estrogen that occurs during this time might cause hot flashes.
  • Ovulation – Estrogen drops during ovulation may cause an increase in body temperature.
  • Pregnancy – The hormonal changes that occur during and after pregnancy can cause hot flashes and sweating.
  • Menopause and perimenopause – Up to 75% of women experience hot flashes during or prior to menopause due to hormonal changes.

7. You’re Overweight

If you’re carrying a lot of extra body weight, it could be why you feel hot all the time. The more you weigh, the less skin surface your body has for each pound — which might result in your body being unable to cool itself. Losing weight may help you cool down.

8. You’re Diabetic

Type 1 and type 2 diabetics are more sensitive to heat. This is especially true if your blood glucose isn’t properly managed or if you’ve experienced nerve damage. Diabetics are also more prone to dehydration.

If your feelings of being overheated are accompanied by excessive thirst and increased urination, ask your healthcare provider to test you for diabetes.

9. You’re Getting Older

As we age, our bodies have a more difficult time regulating temperature, sometimes making us more sensitive to heat. Adults who are 65 years old or older are most likely to be affected.

These are just some of the potential causes of feeling hot or sweaty. If you’re experiencing unexplained or excessive warmth or sweating, be sure to talk to your doctor — especially if the change is recent or accompanied by other symptoms, including dizziness, fainting, chest pain, rapid heart rate, night sweats or unexplained weight loss. A serious health problem might be to blame.

~Here’s to Your Healthy Pursuits!

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