15 Clever Money-Making Hobbies
(WellnessPursuits.com) – A beloved hobby can be a fun way to pass time, whether you knit socks for your grandkids, paint portraits for your living room, or do something in your own backyard. Aside from the fun factor, hobbies give us the added benefit of stress relief and improved physical health and they can also be converted into an excellent online business.
You may be out of a job due to the Coronavirus, but you don’t have to be out of work. Consider this: your calming past-time hobby may even help you make some money. In this time of job uncertainty, when we’re staying home for a myriad of reasons, this may be the perfect time to re-invent the way we make an income.
Creative Pursuits
A lot of people are willing to pay for things they can’t create themselves, such as a fuzzy blanket or stunning photograph. If you’re creative with words or your hands, consider one of these five popular hobbies:
- Photography – Have a knack for taking good pictures or capturing memorable moments, like the birth of a child or a beautiful wedding day? Consider offering your services for a fee. Today’s digital age means there’s no longer a need for a dark room, so you can print or offer downloadable copies with very little overhead.
- Blog writing – Unleash your creativity as you blog about parenting, health, beauty, marketing or any other topic that interests you. Your options are vast and varied, whether you want to write your own blog or create posts for established bloggers and businesses.
- Jewelry-making – Sell custom creations to stores, or set up an online shop and ship your bracelets, necklaces, earrings and rings across the nation.
- Painting – Can you paint or draw? Consider creating greeting cards, mini portraits, pet portaits, or even silk screening that would be loved and enjoyed! Offer your treasures on ETSY, your neighborhood newsletter or sell on ebay.
- Book writing – Have a story floating around inside your head? Write it! You can submit it to a publisher or self-publish on a site like Amazon.
Outdoor Adventures
Enjoy the fresh air and sneak in some exercise while you explore outdoor crafts. You can make money doing things you normally do for free when you monetize your outdoor activities.
- Rock finding – This is great if you live in a unique area. You can sell geodes or other unique rocks at flea markets, fairs, or even online.
- Mushroom hunting – Bring morel mushrooms to a farmers market, produce stand or flea market to earn extra cash. Just make sure you’re selling mushrooms that are safe to eat.
- Online Sport coaching – Children are home. They can’t go to school and they can’t be on a team. They still need exercise and a sense of improving their skills. Coaching kids online can be an excellent way to improve children’s lives while at the same time honing your own skills. You may choose to do this for children for no charge, but you may find that adults are willing to pay to learn how to take their own sports interests to the next level.
- Gardening– Turn your prized tomatoes or zucchini into money at the farmers market, or sell bundles of flowers on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.
- Dog walking – Get paid to spend time with furry friends when you advertise your services as a dog walker online or via signs distributed throughout your neighborhood.
Crafts, Skill-Based Pursuits and Other Options
A demand for crafts and skill-based pursuits lets you put your motor skills to work. You can also put your shopping skills to use by finding deals and then reselling them for a higher price.
- Automotive repair – Tinkering around under your hood may help you save money on repairs, but these skills can also help you earn money when you help friends or family with car problems.
- Coin collecting – Build your collection with rare or in-demand coins, then sell them when you need some extra funds.
- Online sale hunting – Score deals online, then resell your goods on Facebook Marketplace or eBay for profit.
- Tutoring – Share your knowledge with a student struggling in school, or teach adults how to make crafts, budget finances or relieve stress.
- Knitting, crocheting and sewing – Make blankets, scarves, sweaters and gloves in vibrant colors for customers who want handmade goods.
Hobbies provide an outlet for your creativity, and one or two of them may be just the key to help you get back to a more stable financial footing.
~Here’s to Your Healthy Pursuits!
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