Say These 5 Things Instead of “Sorry”


Say These 5 Things Instead of “Sorry”

( – Many of us utter, “I’m sorry,” when someone bumps into us, then use the same phrase when we upset a loved one. While it’s important to express remorse when we hurt or harm someone, an apology isn’t always necessary — or effective. Consider these alternatives next time you’re tempted to say, “I’m sorry,” out of habit.

1. Thank You

Apologizing shows that you feel remorse, but a heartfelt “thank you” expresses gratitude. Next time you’re late for an appointment or a coworker helps fix one of your mistakes, thank them instead of saying sorry.

Here are some examples of statements of gratitude that can replace apologies:

“Thank you for waiting for me.”

“Thank you for filling in when I was bombarded with client calls.”

“Thank you for being patient with me.”

Keep these ideas in mind next time your actions create delays or extra work for someone. A genuine “thank you” can be more appropriate than an apology in these situations.

2. That’s Frustrating

Show compassion with a relatable statement rather than an apology. For example, you might say, “It’s frustrating your coworkers gossip about you all the time,” rather than “I’m sorry you work with someone so unpleasant.”

You can also use phrases like, “That’s unfortunate,” or, “How disappointing,” when someone describes a stressful situation. These statements show support without unnecessarily assigning the blame to yourself.

3. Pardon Me

When adults bump into someone, “I’m sorry” is often their go-to phrase. However, you can just as easily say, “Excuse me,” or, “Pardon me.” These statements also work well in other situations, including meetings where you need to interrupt the speaker. You can also say “Pardon me” if you accidentally burp or pass gas and others notice your bodily function.

4. I Appreciate Your Input, But…

Many of us apologize when we disagree with someone else, but it’s often unnecessary. You can have political views or work-related ideas that differ from others without apologizing for feeling differently.

Next time you join a heated conversation, try prefacing your opinion with phrases like, “I appreciate your input, but…,” or, “This may be an unpopular opinion.” These statements acknowledge that your views might be controversial but you want to keep the peace.

5. Can You Help Me?

There’s no need to apologize for having questions or needing assistance — it’s okay to struggle with a topic or project. Instead of saying, “I’m sorry,” when an explanation doesn’t make sense, ask for help. Questions like, “Can you please help me understand this proposal?”, “Can you please show me how to do this again?”, or “Can you please offer additional examples for clarity?” respectfully indicate that you need assistance.

Remember, though, there will likely still be times when “I’m sorry” is the appropriate response to a situation. Admit your wrongdoings when an apology is needed, and express sympathy and gratitude when it’s not.

~Here’s to Your Healthy Pursuits!

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