These Good Things Happen When You Start Being Nice To Yourself

What Good Things Happen When You Start Being Nice To Yourself?
What Good Things Happen When You Start Being Nice To Yourself?

We’re so used to doing for others it can sometimes be difficult to take the time to be nice to ourselves too. After a most taxing day of downplaying my own wants and needs recently, I decided a pick-me-up was very indicated.

There’s so much to do, so many demands, that I sometimes find I’m struggling with myself about doing stuff that takes care of me too, without feeling selfish. I wondered if my perspective might be shared with some of you too, so I went to the Web to search for an article that would shed some light for all of us.

I was encouraged with what I found. It reminded me of the announcement that the flight attendants start each flight with: “When the oxygen mask is released, put it on yourself FIRST and then help others around you.” Great advice. That’s basically it.

I realized that if we deplete ourselves too much, how pleasant are we going to be when we’re too tired to be around others we care about? How much are we going to enjoy what we’ve worked hard to create? How will our tired, cranky, frustrated selves be of use to anybody, let alone ourselves? How will we continue to juggle effectively? Yup these are questions we all really need to answer.

The answer is to not forget about being nice to ourselves…not just now and then. We are our best selves when we feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. If we’re nice to ourselves regularly, we can give a lot more to our work and to the others in our lives, and feel accomplished, satisfied, happy and unstressed. So, be nice to yourself.

Enjoy the article below. I hope you may find some insight there for you too…


Here’s What Happens When You Start Being Nice To Yourself

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