9 Things To Finally Get Rid Of

9 Things To Finally Get Rid Of
9 Things To Finally Get Rid Of

9 Things To Finally Get Rid Of

(WellnessPursuits.com) – Here we are… many of us now have more time at home. Lots of time to dig into projects and finish some things we may have been putting off for awhile. We’ve probably had a few decades to collect “stuff,” so there may be some things in our life that we haven’t even thought of lately that may have outlived their value. No not our spouse or kids…

We asked around to our staff and came up with a list of 9 things we could definitely consider tossing. We had fun with this topic and like us, once you focus on the fact that you still actually HAVE them, we have a feeling you won’t even think twice about tossing some of these things and going on line and getting some new, cool replacements!

  1. Stained, faded towels. We know the good stuff can be a little pricey, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get rid of those old towels and linens when they age. You deserve soft, colorful towels. The older your towels, the rougher they are on your skin; and the less likely you want anyone outside of the family to ever see them!
  2. Shoes that hurt and smell. When is the last time you dug through your closet and purged those shoes you’ve held onto for the past 10 (20) years? It’s time to let them go, especially if you haven’t worn them in a year or more. They probably no longer fit right, and they’re definitely harboring old bacteria which contributes to odors and stinky feet! Yay shoes that are clean and comfortable!
  3. All of those memorabilia glasses. Have you picked up a shot glass or mug over the years every time you traveled somewhere? While they are wonderful keepsakes, you might want to consider donating them — especially if you don’t use them. Unless you’re a true collector with an actual display, there’s no reason to let these oddities clutter up your cabinet.
  4. Outdated clothing. Your old old prom suit or bridesmaid dress from your teens and early 20s has a little bit of sentimental value, sure, but let’s be real here. You’re not going to wear them ever again. Let them go. The good news is, vintage clothes are a hot ticket item. Look into reselling them for a little cash before donating them.
  5. Bras and underwear that don’t fit. We know how hard it is to get rid of a favorite set of undergarments – especially those bras that at one time fit perfectly. The reality is they’re not as supportive as they were when they were new. The general rule of thumb is you should replace them every 6 to 12 months. Get rid of them sooner if they stop fitting properly, have holes, or develop stains.
  6. Expired condiments. Do extra honey packets or dips from fast-food restaurants take up space in your drawers or fridge? It’s time for a real purge. Get rid of anything that hasn’t been used in the past 90 days. The same goes for other condiments in your fridge like BBQ sauce and salad dressing. These things expire, just like other foods. Get rid of them to avoid making yourself sick.
  7. Broken Christmas lights. The early years of being on your own and decorating your first tree are special memories. Do you still have those same lights some 20-plus years later? It’s time to let them go. Worn out and broken light bulbs can pose a fire hazard – and let’s face it.  It’s going to take less time and money to buy a new string than it will to untangle that old mess and make a fix. Besides, newer tree lights are more energy efficient. Go green, get rid of outdated electrical items and have a safer holiday.
  1. Expired spices. When is the last time you went through your kitchen spice rack? Are there some in there you only used once that you forgot to toss out? Now is the time. Spices lose their flavor and scent once opened and exposed to air. Some herbs and seasonings only have a shelf life of a few years. Not only will the recipe you use them in not taste as good, but a buildup of mold and dust can make you ill.
  2. Old makeup. You rocked the blue eye shadow back in high school and you looked great! Now 25 years later, you still want to keep that youthful appearance. While blue may be coming back in style, don’t use the same shadow you’ve been hanging onto this entire time. Old makeup can be harmful to your skin, leading to bacteria exposure and, ultimately, breakouts. Makeup usually expires in anywhere from 6 – 18 months.

Out with the old, in with the new! It’s a concept we should embrace throughout our entire lives, and one you may feel particularly open to in your 40’s and beyond. Have a little fun with it. You may just find getting rid of some of the “stuff” around you makes you feel a little less cluttered and more energetic too!

~Here’s to Your Healthy Pursuits!

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